Responsive image
Javascript Django Dot Net
Javascript Sites
Vue 2
Notes Larbins Big it up with Vue Nuxt
Vue 3
Template Notes Larbins Nuxt
Django Sites
Blog IT Ticketing To Dos Equities
Dot Net Sites
Pre-Core Templates
Pre-Core Applications
PizzaShopAN (AngularJS)
Core Web App Templates
DNC-WebDo PDTemplateDN Core2 Web PDTemplateDN Core2 Angular PDTemplateDN Core2 Vue 2 PDTemplateDN Core2 React PDTemplateDN Core2 React/Redux PDTemplateDN Core2 Knockout
Core Web API Templates
DNC-APIDoDo PDTemplateDN Core2 API PDTemplateDN Core2 API/HelloWorld

Welcome to the Max Entwickler Django Domain


The Django versions covered on this page are hosted on an Ubuntu 18.04/Apache2 VPS.

Django 2
Django is Python based. It's interesting because the code can be deployed as-is flat to the server. There is an optional pre-compile mode.
The as-is deployment is useful for small-ish sites cos changes can be applied on a file-by-file basis.
Django is also interesting because like other CMS type frameworks it has an (automated) Admin mode which allow 'direct' access to the database. Django in this respect is quite different from modern Javascript applications which are bundled, chunked, post-processed, obfuscated every which way.

The Django apps here are closely coupled via an ORM to a PostGreSQL database. Unfortunately connection to SQL Server (which can now be installed on Ubuntu) is not an option cos the SQL Driver is subject to a dispute between Microsoft & the Open Source Community about the implementation of standards. Put simply it does not work correctly (in my experience triggers on an insert fail, and there are other issues). Because of it's in-built database-level encryption I prefer SQL Server. If pushed I would store Personnaly Identifiable Information in SQL Server & fetch via HTTP & munge the data together in the app. Of course the alternative is to go fully HTTP via a SQL Server API. This is on my TODO list.

A simple Blog with attached documents & comments. The guest logon enables read-only access. The Register New User functionality is visible but disengaged from the database to prevent abuse.

IT Ticketing & To Dos
These do what it says on the tin.

Equities: Document your portfolio over time & watch equity prices.
Unlike the other 3 apps Equities is a near-complete application. It lacks reporting and a real-time on-demand link to stock prices for movement tracking (price changes have to be entered manually).

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I started my developer journey working with something called Omnis. Oh, the days before the internet!
Prior to the Pandemic I considered myself a Dot Net developer. After time spent as carer for aged parents & with the advent of the Covid Pandemic I took the decision to go all-out open-source. Hence - Angular2+, Vue, Nuxt, Next; some CMS (WordPress, an aborted look at Joomla, some headless CMSs); Python & Django which I like a lot; Mobile (Flutter) which I also like a lot; Linux (my Django apps are hosted on Ubuntu18.04/Apache2); Docker.

I have worked in these sectors:
>> Electrical & mechanical engineering; leisure; furniture manufacture; insurance; produce (top fruit).

Written l-o-b systems end-to-end inward-facing:
>> MRP/ERP, HR, accounts, holiday membership & booking, outward-facing websites. Mobile (Windows Mobile, Android). Mostly using SQL Server backends.

Worked with proprietary l-o-b systems outward-facing:
>> Risk analysis, claims handling.

Worked with 3rd party l-o-b systems inward-facing:
>> Reporting (Reporting Services, Crystal Reports). Database, api & app integration.

Enhanced & bug fixed proprietary & legacy systems:
>> Notably Delphi & Omnis (an early 4g desktop system)

Forensically reconstructed application functionality solely from an obfuscated SQL Server database (under the supervision of JE - one v smart specialist):
>> Working as sole developer built a new system to allow run-out for administrators of a gone-bust insurance company in Brighton UK.

I have experience (some great, some small) with this lot:
Main technologies: Javascript, Python (Django) and Dot Net (Core - MVC, Razor Pages, Blazor & pre-Core), Typescript.
Web: Hosted on Windows & Linux (apache2 & nginx). Docker; client & server based applications; static & non-static sites; MVC; SPAs; PWAs; WASM; APIs.
Mobile: Flutter, Xamarin, Android (via Android Studio).
Desktop: Windows Forms, WPF, a little Electron & NW.
CMS: Not really what I do, but a little WordPress, Joomla, Django CMS, headless stuff like Butter CMS.
Database: Mainly SQL based: principally SQL Server, also mySQL & PostGreSQL, also non-sql (Mongo, Firebase) & reactive real-time (Firebase).
Data: I take the protection of data most seriously - not least Personally Identifiable Information which I would encrypt by default (in SQL Server) at the cell level. For me this is a 'red line' issue.
Cloud: Google Firebase, providers like Heroku, Vercel. Some Azure & AWS.
Logging: Seq, Serilog (dot net), Sentry, Logrocket, Rollbar, Airbrake.
Containers: Docker (mostly Linux containers).