The Django versions covered on this page are hosted on an Ubuntu 18.04/Apache2 VPS.
Django 2
Django is Python based. It's interesting because the code can be deployed as-is flat to the server. There is an optional pre-compile mode.
The as-is deployment is useful for small-ish sites cos changes can be applied on a file-by-file basis.
Django is also interesting because like other CMS type frameworks it has an (automated) Admin mode which allow 'direct' access to the database.
Django in this respect is quite different from modern Javascript applications which are bundled, chunked, post-processed, obfuscated every which way.
The Django apps here are closely coupled via an ORM to a PostGreSQL database. Unfortunately connection to SQL Server (which can now be installed on Ubuntu) is not an option cos the
SQL Driver is subject to a dispute between Microsoft & the Open Source Community about the implementation of standards. Put simply it does not work correctly (in my experience triggers on an insert fail, and there are other issues).
Because of it's in-built database-level encryption I prefer SQL Server. If pushed I would store Personnaly Identifiable Information in SQL Server & fetch via HTTP & munge the data together in the app.
Of course the alternative is to go fully HTTP via a SQL Server API. This is on my TODO list.